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The Ultimate Fish Pie

Writer's picture: Nigel BardenNigel Barden

Updated: Jan 27, 2023

by Calum Franklin from The Pie Room (Bloomsbury)

Photography: John Carey

Tony Fleming, my old boss, once described the perfect fish pie to me: he said that if a fish pie is not bubbling down the sides of the dish and browned on the surface, it is not a good one. At the time, I was working for Tony in a fine-dining restaurant where the food presentation was all about accuracy, finesse and clean lines and so the look of the fish pie went against the grain of everything else we did there. But Tony was right. A fish pie should never be de-constructed. It should never be neat and tidy. It should always be homely, rustic and even messy – that is what makes it so appealing and gets the taste buds firing when it arrives on the dining table.

Serves 6


500ml whole milk

300ml double cream

300g skinless cod fillets, cut into 2.5cm dice

200g skinless salmon fillet, cut into 2.5cm dice

200g skinless smoked haddock fillet, cut into 2.5cm dice

150g peeled raw tiger prawns

60g butter

60g plain flour

300g frozen peas, thawed

30g capers

30g chives, finely chopped

30g flat-leaf parsley, leaves picked and chopped

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

¾ teaspoon table salt

For the potato topping

1.2kg King Edward potatoes, peeled and quartered

200ml whole milk

100ml double cream

60g butter

2 egg yolks, beaten

¾ teaspoon table salt

50g Cheddar cheese, grated


ovenproof dish (approx. 25cm long and 3cm deep)


Preheat the oven to 180°C fan/200°C/gas mark 6.

To make the potato topping, put the potatoes in a pan and add enough salted water just to cover them. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer until the potatoes are very tender. Add the milk, double cream and butter to the pan and mash together with the potatoes until smooth. Add the egg yolks with the table salt and mix until well incorporated.

Pour the milk and cream into a medium pan and bring to a simmer. Drop the diced fish and peeled prawns into the simmering milk and cream and poach for 2 minutes. Drain the fish, reserving the poaching liquid in a bowl.

Wipe out the pan and add the butter, bring it to a bubble over a medium heat and then whisk in the flour. Reduce the heat to low and cook for 8 minutes, whisking continuously. Add half of the reserved poaching liquid and bring back up to a simmer, whisking continuously to prevent any lumps from forming. Add the remaining poaching liquid and cook until thick and smooth. Add the peas, capers, chives, parsley, mustard and table salt and mix well. Return the drained fish to the pan and lightly fold into the sauce, being careful not to break up the fish.

Spoon the pie mixture into a deep ovenproof dish and level the surface. Spread the mashed potato topping over the pie mixture, taking it right to the edges of the dish, and then ruffle the top with a fork to create texture. Scatter the grated cheese evenly over the surface of the pie.

Place the dish in the preheated oven and bake the pie for 30 minutes or until the sauce is bubbling up at the sides and the potato topping has a crispy, golden crust.

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W e b s I t e  D e s i g n :  C a r o l i n e  M a r s o n 

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